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Somos una alianza con sede en Nueva York de organizaciones intersectoriales, sobrevivientes del comercio sexual y miembros/as de la comunidad que abogan por el Equality Model. Hacemos un llamado a la despenalización de las personas en el comercio sexual, y la implementación de servicios integrales y estrategias de salida para ellos. También instamos a los/as encargados/as de formular políticas a responsabilizar a los padrotes y tratantes, a los/as propietarios/as de prostíbulos y salones de masajes ilícitos, y a los/as compradores/as sexuales por el daño de por vida que causan sus acciones.

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Prevenir legislación regresiva que desregulará y expandirá una de las industrias más violentas, racistas, sexistas y explotadoras de nuestro estado

Promulgar el Modelo de Igualdad en Nueva York a través de legislación

Abogar por viviendas de apoyo adicionales y servicios integrales e informados para los sobrevivientes y estrategias de salida para las personas en el comercio sexual.

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End Demand (640 × 480 px) (1).png

End Demand, End Sex Trafficking

We teamed up with actor, activist, and sexual assault survivor Terry Crews to break down the supply/demand model of the sex trade and its effect on sex trafficking. 


In order to shrink the exploitative industry of prostitution and end sex trafficking, we must tackle the demand for it, which is primarily fueled by male sex buyers. The patriarchal system of prostitution promotes toxic masculinity and a culture where women and girls are treated less than human.

Terry Crews is an action-movie star, comedian, game show host, former NFL player, and bestselling author. On top of all that, he is deeply committed to the fight for equality. As an ambassador for Polaris, Terry is dedicated to combatting human trafficking. He also speaks frequently about toxic masculinity and the negative effects of pornography on heathy relationships and gender equality. 

Animation and Production: Saiem Choudhury (House of Hippie Productions) and Mitha Choudhury (NYFEM Coalition member) 

Script: NYFEM Communications Team

Voiceover: Terry Crews (Actor/Comedian/Activist)

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Can Money Buy Consent?

As part of our campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we partnered with actress and political activist Ashley Judd (voiceover) to talk about "consent" in the sex trade. We explore the intersection of sexual abuse and the commercial sex trade which is inherently intertwined. The sex trade is one of the most exploitive, abusive and sexually violent industries worldwide and so we must ask ourselves... can money buy consent?

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Ashley Judd is a celebrated humanitarian, writer and actor. Ashely's advocacy work focuses on gender equality and rights of women and girls; she is  Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund and she serves on several boards, including the International Center for Research on Women, the Rape and Incest National Network, Demand Abolition, Apne Aap Worldwide and the Gloria Steinem Equality Fund to End Sex Trafficking. Ashley is a proud feminist and supporter of the Equality Model.

Animation and Production: Mitha Choudhury (NYFEM Coalition member) 

Script: NYFEM Communications Team

Voiceover: Ashley Judd (Actress/Activist) 

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How Full Decriminalization of the Sex Trade Leads to Increased Sex Trafficking 

Whenever the sex trade is fully decriminalized or legalized there is always an increase in sex trafficking! Watch and share this video in collaboration with Rights4Girls and World Without Exploitation  to see how the two are inextricably linked. The Equality Model is the best solution to ending the exploitation inherent to the sex trade.


Yasmin Vafa is co-founder and Executive Director of Rights4Girls, a national human rights organization dedicated to ending gender-based violence against young women and girls. An award-winning human rights attorney and advocate, Yasmin's work focuses on the intersections of race, gender, violence, and the law. A nationally recognized expert on gendered violence, Yasmin has successfully advocated for several laws at the federal and state levels, testified before the U.S. Senate, state legislatures, and international human rights bodies, and co-authored several reports exposing the criminalization of survivors of sexual violence.

Animation and Production: Mitha Choudhury (NYFEM Coalition member) 

Script: Yasmin Vafa (Rights4Girls Co-founder and Executive Director) 

Voiceover: Mitha Choudhury

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Rhode Island Case Study: The Experiment with Full Decriminalization 

Find out what happened to Rhode Island’s sex trade between 1980-2009 when prostitution was fully decriminalized. This short video looks at how this happened, explores false narratives about this time and discusses the consequences of this loophole in prostitution legislation.


Mitha Choudhury is the Program Coordinator for the EMPOWER Center in NYC, a multi-disciplinary health center for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). Mitha has worked with survivors of sexual violence, sexual exploitation and human trafficking in both the UK and now the US. She is passionate about educating people about the realities and dangers of the sex trade. 

Animation and Production: Mitha Choudhury (NYFEM Coalition member) 

Script: Mitha Choudhury

Voiceover: Mitha Choudhury

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